
M&E Consultants

Low Carbon Consultants


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Lehding Services Design engineers are accredited Low Carbon Energy Assessors and Low Carbon Consultants. We are experienced professionals who can provide Energy Performance Certificates, energy management and assessment, energy monitoring and targeting, advice on sustainable building design, plans to reduce carbon emissions and lower energy bills.

We always provide design in accordance to the Building Regulation Part L energy conservation and will also provide recommendations on the current requirements.

We have an in-depth knowledge and experience to provide clients with expert advice not only on the current performance of their buildings but on how to improve performance within the future.





Registered Office: Unit 10, 10 Redlands Crescent, Larne, Co. Antrim, N.Ireland. BT40 1FF. Tel. +44(0)2828 277 123, Email: info@lehding.co.uk